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Advocating for our Industry!

The onsite wastewater treatment industry serves as the wastewater infrastructure for about 25% of Colorado. While our industry serves many, it is not very well known to the public or policy makers. Onsite wastewater technologies are often times the only viable option for a site due to access to public utilities. Advancements in technology make onsite wastewater an affordable, clean and effective way to treat our wastewater while also helping to protect our water resources. In many applications, onsite wastewater is the best option to allow for sustainable, environmentally friendly development.

Historically, our industry has been unrepresented when wastewater policy and funding decisions are made at the State and Federal level. As a result, our industry has been left behind on opportunities to help advance technology and also help homeowners and business owners be able to afford repairs and upgrades to aging onsite systems. In concert with the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA), CPOW has become an advocate of our industry where these policy decisions are made.

Our advocacy efforts include:

  1. Working with State and Local regulators to have a seat at the table when regulation and policy changes are made that impact our industry.
  2. Organizing events and meetings with elected officials to educate and keep the conversation of onsite wastewater in Colorado at the forefront of policy decisions that will potentially impact our professionals or system users.
  3. Maintain an active partnership with NOWRA and other State Affiliates by way of participating in the Washington DC Fly-In, where we meet with Federal agencies and elected offices to advocate for positive changes and equitable funding.

CPOW has a Lobbying and Public Relations Committee which works to organize priorities for advocacy efforts. If you are interested in participating in the advocacy of our industry, please contact us today!

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